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  • Verification via Verifai.com

    Verifai.com offers seamless identity verification solutions for every use case. Easy to implement and customize, while taking the highest privacy and security standards in mind. Integrates effortlessly into mobile and web applications.

    You can verify users registered in your community through the service Verifai.com. You need to access the control panel from the link https://dashboard.verifai.com/account/register/. After that, on the dashboard https://dashboard.verifai.com/ you must choose the solution - Web ID verification SDK (SaaS). Now click the Add implementation button and choose Add Web SDK implementation. 

    You need to purchase the Verification app for Invision Community, install it and make the following settings:

    Community setting

    Go to ACP > System > Verification > Settings and select Verification type - Verifai. Fill in the fields:

    • Verifai secret API token: on your application page (https://dashboard.verifai.com/apps/).
    • Verifai Webhook Secret: see webhook setup below
    • Verifai Description: The description that will be displayed to the user on the verification page.

    Save you settings.

    Verifai start verificationVerifai select document typeVerifai document type formVerifai verified

    Webhook setting up

    Go to your application (Manage solution) on Verifai dahsboard and in the menu on the left, click the button Webhooks (if you do not have such a menu, write to support).

    Add new webhook with url: https://YOURCOMMUNITY/index.php?app=verification&module=request&controller=verifai.

    Copy the secret key and paste it into the settings in Invision Community.

    Kirill Gromov


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