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Our works for Invision Community

Here we have collected the latest works that we have worked on or are still working on. Enjoy!

Integration with Discord

Discord Sync

Authorization in the community using Discord, synchronization of roles from the community, duplication of notifications to the discord server and much more.

Status: in development

Interactive live chat

Live Support

Support for users via live chat, creating tickets from chat, and a support control panel.

Status: in development

Market platform for users


A powerful platform for users to sell goods by creating their own stores, managing prices, discounts and much more.

Status: in development

Collect feedback from users


A convenient and unobtrusive tool for collecting data from your users, with metrics, surveys and a control panel.

Status: in development

Integrations with payment services

Payment Gateways

Gateways of popular payment systems, including cryptocurrencies, cards, subscriptions, etc.

Status: in development

Commerce Improvement

Commerce Apps

Development of a set of additional functionality for the Commerce application: discounts on gateways or currencies, group purchases, promotions and more.

Status: in development

Image protection


Protect images posted by your users with a watermark image.

Status: in development

Check uploaded files


Protect your community from malicious files and unsafe links. With this app, all sent files and links will be checked by antivirus for safety.

Status: in development
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