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  8. Hello. There are no such plans yet
  9. Hello, Any chances to make this gateway for IPS 4 ? I will not move to IPS 5 for a LOT of reasons, and I'm sure there are many like me. You can release for both IPS, 4 and 5.
  10. Earlier
  11. ricocningo commented on Kirill Gromov's comment on a file in Applications
    Not see purchase button
  12. Hello. Unfortunately, we do not work with social networks for several reasons: 1) Their APIs change frequently and we need to constantly monitor this. 2) We do not have access to the listed networks because our government blocks them.
  13. Hi, I don't know where to post this. We used have an excellent plug-in called “Automatic Social Promotion” which would harvest the title and URL of every new topic and post automatically to Twitter/X. We have a Twitter account with about 7000 followers including journalists, TV companies, members of Parliament – help organisations – et cetera. We often receive contacts as a result of new subjects which are being posted and it helps interested people to keep an eye on what was trending in the world of consumer law and complaints. A couple of years ago, Elon musk started masking around with Twitter and it no longer worked. Since then we have been having to post things manually when we can. I've tried contacting the developer several times over the past year or so but no response and I think that they have stopped taking an interest. Ideally, I think that form administrators would appreciate an automatic social posting application which could be configured not only to post to Twitter but also to blue sky, threads, Facebook – and any other social media outlet it would be great to have a system which not only posted every new topic – but also could be configured to post out every new post or simply new posts with a certain prefix which had been added to flag up to the system that it should be posted to social media. We can't afford a custom development – so it would have to be something that somebody would be prepared to do and offer generally to Invision users. ” ” ”
  14. Marcelo commented on Kirill Gromov's comment on a file in Applications
    download not work
  15. Marcelo posted a post in a topic in Themes support
    he say i cant download that
  16. Marcelo posted a post in a topic in Themes support
    Hello, guys, why i cant download files for ip suite
  17. you have PM
  18. Стф you send me the acp access?
  19. I received the notification in telegram but the logs show a problem I dont know what else to try
  20. Now the URL is correct and if you write the /start command to the bot, it will send a message!
  21. somehow still a problem. i check again the url and its said: {"ok":true,"result":{"url":"https://mysite/?app=telegram&module=telegram&controller=telegram","has_custom_certificate":false,"pending_update_count":0,"max_connections":40,"ip_address":"9x.26.41.227"}}
  22. Solved!!! https://api.telegram.org/botmyAPI/setWebhook?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmysite%2F%3Fapp%3Dtelegram%26module%3Dtelegram%26controller%3Dtelegram
  23. is it about this step? i didn't understand it :( Can you help please?
  24. This is an incorrect URL, you did not encode it as indicated in the instruction!
  25. {"ok":true,"result":{"url":"https://mysite/?app=telegram","has_custom_certificate":false,"pending_update_count":6,"last_error_date":1731956602,"last_error_message":"Wrong response from the webhook: 404 Not Found","max_connections":40,"ip_address":"9x.26.41.227"}}
  26. Hello. Can you check this url? https://api.telegram.org/bot{YOURAPIKEY}/getWebhookInfo
  27. Mby a DEBUG msg to see whats “TG username was not found” ?
  28. i made all steps, the response for webhook was: {"ok":true,"result":true,"description":"Webhook was set"} then i saw in System Logs: and this: but my telegram username is added in notifications settings. What should I check now?
  29. Webhook url must be url encoded, example":
  30. Hello. Full instruction: Creating a bot in Telegram In the Telegram client, find the BotFather bot and send it the "/start" command, after which the bot will send you all possible commands to communicate with it. To create a new bot, we need the command "/newbot", then follow the further instructions and specify the name. After the bot is created, you will be shown the API in the Use this token to access the HTTP API line: It must be specified in the settings in the Admin center> Community> Telegram> Settings API token of your Telegram bot. In the Bot name field, enter the name of the bot. Installing the webhook For the bot to send notifications, you need to set up a web hook. To do this, compose a URL and navigate to it in your browser: https://api.telegram.org/bot{BOT_API}/setWebhook?url=https://{SITE_URL}/?app=telegram&module=telegram&controller=telegram After that, the screen should display approximately the following information: {"ok": true, "result": true, "description": "Webhook was set"} Configuring notifications Notification options are enabled in the app, but not activated for all users at once. Therefore, you can make each notification event not as a suggested option, but enabled by default for all users. Each user will receive a notification on Telegram if two conditions are met: Enabled parameter in notification settings (/notifications/options/). The user's nickname is indicated in "Your nickname in Telegram" on the same page.
  31. I use ISP 4.7.19
  32. Hello, I have a problem, the telegram bot didn't send anything to telegram users accounts. Is there any problem if I use the same bot for Telegram Login Handler application? For example, the login app its works fine. i made these steps: I am logged into the forum with my email account. In ACP>Community>Telegram>Settings, I set up bot name and the API key (its same like Login Handler app), add set up access for certain groups. (no guests) In ACP>Community>Telegram>Notifications, I enabled all Notifications In Notifications setting i set up my TG username and saved. Notifications seems activated: In Telegram, my bot, i edit settings and i add command /start but there is not feedback. What did I forget to do? Thanks for any tips to help
  33. Hi, I dont plan to update to ISP5 like many other users. So my question is if we can have the Latest API version supported: 2024-10-28.acacia Thanks