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  1. Sorry, I confused with VK login handler. Telegram works well!
  2. I've cleaned everything, but when I have a new logs I'll post it here. thanks for attention
  3. Can you fix this issue please?
  4. now it works, but there are tons of errors in logs Please take a look
  5. Found a little bug, the views are not correctly aligned vertically
  6. A question about Statuses, is it limited to 10? I've added more than 10 in the ACP, but only 10 are displayed on the forum (identical problem with the Task app) A mini scroll to display them all would be fantastic! Print from forum with 10 Statuses:
  7. LE A little bug: Can't turn off to post a topic. After i turned OFF and saving, i go check and is ON
  8. I confirm that counting "views" and "Fields" works !
  9. please also take a look at "Fields" when is enabled in Category , I get the following error when trying to create a new idea:
  10. I've run all the tasks but the "views" are still 0 i I checked another site that have long time the application installed and still has 0 views, just take a look at data and views:
  11. You right, after vote fix i can see permissions works fine. Great fix mate! But unfortunately, there are one last bug to fix: The "views" are always 0, somehow are not counted. you have the access of ACP and FTP
  12. Done. One more thing. At second idea the guest can vote, please don't allow guests to vote.
  13. hello guys I installed this app on FRESH installation with 0 apps and plugins and I have 2 problems: 1. When I vote i have a loop loading circle and the vote are not counted. 2. The views are always 0 I have latest ISP 4.7.17 and Ubuntu with last udate (mysql and php 8.1) Can you help to fix this pls?
  14. Hi, I've tried all the popular paymaants gateways, but as a freelancer or for donations I've had no luck: -Stripe is perfect, but if you don't have a company then after a month you can't use it anymore. -Revolut gateway works only for company. Nada API for Revolut Pro or regular Revolut. -NOWPaymetns have a minumum of 15 euro, can sent 5 euro. -Binance probably needs to be updated, the first time on a transaction I got approved 8 times. Now it doesn't approve, I have to approve manually. (you have my screens on Teelgram, mby help you to see whats wrong) But I found the best gateway, it's called Wise and it has API and works well with low fees. I would definitely buy it when it's ready ! Please add it. https://wise.com/
    The best for crypto but you can't trade under 15 euro, too bad
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