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  1. iiioroh posted a post in a topic in Applications support
    My settings are as follows: I click the save button at the bottom, the forum thinks. And an error occurs.
  2. iiioroh posted a post in a topic in Applications support
    Now the method appears. I fill in the data and click save method. And the error comes out(((
  3. iiioroh posted a post in a topic in Applications support
    After the update. When you try to create a method, you get the error(((
  4. iiioroh posted a post in a topic in Applications support
    So the app is installed. But when you click the create button in Login and registration, the white screen((( Can you help? Thank you.
  5. And for the 5th version will be?
  6. iiioroh posted a post in a topic in Applications support
    So the app is installed. But when you click the create button in Login and registration, the white screen((( Can you help? Thank you.
  7. iiioroh posted a post in a topic in Applications support
    Значит приложение установилось. Но когда нажимаешь кнопку создать в Вход и регистрация, то белый экран((( Можете помочь? Спасибо.
  8. iiioroh posted a post in a topic in Applications support
    Обновил форум и настройки пропали расположения кнопки. Она только внизу поста выводится. Можете посмотреть? Спасибо.
  9. iiioroh posted a post in a topic in Applications support
    When installing, there is a mistake (((
    Установил. Но непонятно где в адмике форума модуль искать. Вкладка - вход и регистрация открывает белый экран. И хотелось бы фак по настройке в самом вк.