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24 files

  1. Telegram Notifications application is intended for users to receive instant notifications in Telegram on all Invision Community events: Achievements, Moderation, Mentions & My Content, Followed Content, Messenger, Profile, Newsletter, Event Reminders, File Updates.
    You can configure which groups will be able to set up notifications in Telegram for themselves, as well as which types of notifications will be enabled / disabled by default.
    • 45.00 USD
    Kirill Gromov
  2. The application will add the ability to set up authorization on your community using the Telegram bot.
    To configure you need to create a bot and assign community url address. 
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  3. Application adds the ability to embed videos from the Rutube video hosting service.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  4. The Ideas app for Invision Community allows your users to add ideas to various categories. Any users can vote to promote the ideas they like. Administrators can mark ideas as completed.
    Creating categories. Custom fields in various categories. Displaying fields in two different places: below the title and below the description. Enable / disable the display of the sidebar with categories when viewing an idea. Indexpage Tabs: newest, popular and completed Ideas. Ajax voting for ideas. The ability for administrators to mark ideas as completed. Commenting on ideas.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  5. This application allows you to set a discount for each payment method. For example, you want to prioritize the payment method with cryptocurrency, then you can make a 10% discount on the total invoice when customer select the appropriate payment method. Discount data is loaded automatically (via ajax).
    App settings
    Select type: Discount or Fee. Discount type: percentage or specified amount. Discount amount. Products. You can select the products for which the discount will be applied. Apply a discount for the entire amount or for selected products. The setting is effective if the discount type is selected - percent. User groups who will be able to apply discount.
    • 35.00 USD
    Kirill Gromov
  6. Discord Integration - an application that allows your members to register using their own discord account. The application will be developed and supplemented with additional functionality. Now it can:
    Login via Discord account; Use Discord.com photo as profile photo of registering member.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  7. The application collects basic statistics of user activity and displays it in the tables and charts in a separate tab in the profile. You can control which user groups will be able to view the tab with such statistics.
    Thanks for alexxis for sponsoring this app.
    Block with basic statistics - the number of topics, posts, polls, etc. Block with information displaying the most active time periods - hour, day of the week, month, year. User activity chart by hours, days of the week, months and years. User activity on specific forums, percentage of activity. A section in each forum that collects all posts by a particular user in chronological order.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  8. Short Links - application allows you to create short links throughout your community. You can grant permission to certain groups who can make short links. Also replace the standard link with a short one in the share form.
    Groups, who can make short links. Replace Share links with short ones. Display short link in topic view. Display short link creation button. Flood control. Member will not be able to shorten the next link until this time has passed!
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  9. The application will allow your users to donate for posts indicating an arbitrary amount and reason for donating.
    You can select groups whose users will be able to donate or accept donations. Specify the donor list limit when viewing a topic. Each donation post displays the total amount of donations by currency. Make the reason field required. You can display the balance in posts and/or in the userBar. Users can control the display of the balance themselves in the settings of their account. The author of the post will receive a notification about the new donation. Commerce integration
    You can specify the amount of the commission that will be charged. You can donate in any currency and any payment gateways that exist and are configured in the Commerce application.
    Currently, you can place two widgets on your pages:
    Top donors. The widget will show users who donated the most for posts for a certain period of time (week, month, year, or all time).
    Latest donations. The widget will show the donor, the author of the post, the date and amount of the donation.
    For the application to work, you must have a Commerce installed application.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  10. The application will show search bots in the "Who's Online" widget. 
    Bots Formatting. Display the number of sessions? Sorting settings. Formatting per bot. Based on a legacy plugin from siv1987
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  11. SQL Toolbox a tool for performing simple queries to the forum database from the admin center. This functionality was previously a built-in function in the IPS.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  12. Yandex Metrica is a web analytics tool that helps you get visual reports, record visitor actions, track traffic sources, and evaluate the effectiveness of online and offline advertising.
    The application adds a new block to the Integration ACP section, where you can specify your counter number for Yandex.Metrica.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  13. The application Xbox Live Integration allows your users to attach their Xbox Live game data to their profile in Invision Community. Also, users can register and log in to the community using a Xbox Live account.
    Enable Xbox Live pane in posts? Enable Xbox Live pane in user hovercards? Displaying a tab in the profile with gaming information. Displaying achievements in profile. Display Gamescore from the games and the progress of getting it. And many more..
    • 55.00 USD
    Kirill Gromov
  14. Avatar Hub - allows the community administrator to upload preset images that community users can choose as their profile photo. 
    Upload images by category. Groups with access to choose profile photo from Avatar Hub. Enable photo selection on registration form. Choose selection method: Upload form and/or Avatar Hub.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  15. Live Messenger for Invision Community. This app is not an alternative to the standard IPS Messenger, but a handy add-on. Live Messenger was created to relieve communication with other users. Loading and sending new messages is happens without reloading the pages. The main advantage of this application is that you can quickly write or read a personal message on any community page.
    Quick Buttons: create pm, open messenger and show/hide Live Messenger window. Quick access to recent private messages. Quick access to the private conversation. Messages in a minimal design, without distracting design elements. Select the groups that can use Live Messenger. PM read/unread icon. Quick message sending.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  16. Commerce Notifications allows you to set up notifications in the following cases:
    When a certain (or all) product is out of stock. When a certain (or all) product low in stock. Someone applied a coupon code. Some product was purchased. Created a new support request. Received a new support request response. The application has flexible settings, so you can receive notifications only for certain products or deliver notifications to certain groups or specified users. This application is compatible with Telegram Notifications.
    • 45.00 USD
    Kirill Gromov
  17. Checkout Tips adds the functionality of adding a tip on the checkout page. For the application to work, you must have the Commerce application installed. Checkout Tips helps community owners earn more from sales in Commerce!
    You can set up groups that can tip, provide a short description for the tip form, and keep track of all tips received in the ACP.
    • 45.00 USD
    Kirill Gromov
  18. Profile Reviews app allows your users to leave rated reviews on other users' profiles. This forms the average rating of the profile from all the reviews in it. Profile reviews can be commented on.
    Groups that can add reviews. The number of comments per page. Whether or not to show the rating in the profile hovercards. Whether or not to show rating in forum posts. Widgets
    Top popular profiles. The widget will show the profile with the highest rating based on reviews. Latest reviews. A feed of reviews sorted by date added.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  19. This application cooperates all the reviews of your community in one section of the admin center, where it is much more convenient to moderate and edit them.
    Apps supported
    Pages database records. Downloads file. Products from Commerce. Calendars. Gallery Images. Gallery Albums. Reviews are sorted by date, most recent to earliest.
    In ACP you can
    Add a new review. Change any review. Change adding date. Change review author. Change the rating of the review. Follow the link to the review. Delete review. Sort reviews by various parameters.
    • 35.00 USD
    Kirill Gromov
  20. The Share to Telegram app adds a button to the social media services, allowing you to distribute any content from your community to any user on Telegram.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  21. The plugin adds a new setting to the configuration of the record feeds from the database, allowing you to specify the offset when fetching data.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  22. Task Manager for Invision Community. Allows users with access to create boards, columns, and task cards. You can change the status of tasks, as well as assign them to specific users, who will receive a notification after assignment and more.
    In the ACP, you can create an unlimited number of task boards. Each board can have its own description. The board card contains information on how many columns, tasks and editors it contains. The board has an activity section where all user actions are recorded. Columns
    Columns of tasks exist in a specific board and contain cards (tasks). Each column has its own name and highlight color. Columns can be swapped on the fly using Drag-and-drop technology. Columns can only be created by board editors, and you can add an unlimited number of them. Task cards
    The card has its own name, description, background color and cover. Cards can be swapped on the fly using Drag-and-drop technology, as well as transferred between columns. Cards (tasks) can be assigned to other users. After assigning a task, the user will receive a notification. He will also be able to change the status of the card.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  23. The plugin adds a photo upload form to the new user registration form.
    Plugin settings:
    Maximum photo size; Max photo width / height;
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov
  24. The application adds the ability to set an informational message when certain users or groups are selected as private message recipients.
    The message will be loaded automatically.
    • Free
    Kirill Gromov