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The Ideas app for Invision Community allows your users to add ideas to various categories. Any users can vote to promote the ideas they like. Administrators can mark ideas as completed.


  • Creating categories.
  • Custom fields in various categories.
  • Displaying fields in two different places: below the title and below the description.
  • Enable / disable the display of the sidebar with categories when viewing an idea.
  • Indexpage Tabs: newest, popular and completed Ideas.
  • Ajax voting for ideas.
  • The ability for administrators to mark ideas as completed.
  • Commenting on ideas.


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One thing I've seen that seems to be a glitch, is the Online Users page of the forum. It does not show the current page that the user is viewing in the Ideas app. It shows "loc_ideas_viewing_idea" instead of the actual page.  See the red arrow below (note: I've redacted information for privacy.)



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18 minutes ago, krishna.floisand said:

Great! How do I do that? It takes me here when clicking update available in my community applications.

To download free files you must have an active IPS license and write to me on the official website so that I can transfer you to the client group.

5 minutes ago, NAWAC said:

Ideas is not working for me. IPB has locked it due to noncompliant 8+ code. Here is the error from my Admin panel, below.

I will check it tomorrow, thanks!

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1 hour ago, PipeAdmin said:

I installed this app prior to when Invision moved away from their marketplace. It is now out of date and I need an updated file, but do not have permissions to download it. How can I go about obtaining the updated version?

Following up on my own comment - I messaged you on Invision per your instructions to someone above!

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Firstly, I would like to thank you for such excellent applications that make it easier for us administrators to work. Thank you very much.

I am writing because I have a problem with the Ideas application. Everything works correctly, but if I add custom form fields, of the Text Editor type, when I try to create a form, I get this error:

OutOfBoundsException: Fields (0)
#0 /home/talenta/talentaaurea.org/init.php(934) : eval()'d code(45): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Editor->__construct('ideas_field_4', NULL, 1, Array, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ideas_field_4_e...')
#1 /home/talenta/talentaaurea.org/system/CustomField/CustomField.php(845): IPS\Helpers\Form\neappboxoftricks_hook_code_helpers_form_editor->__construct('ideas_field_4', NULL, 1, Array, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'ideas_field_4_e...')
#2 /home/talenta/talentaaurea.org/applications/ideas/sources/Idea/Idea.php(605): IPS\_CustomField->buildHelper(NULL, NULL, NULL)
#3 /home/talenta/talentaaurea.org/applications/ideas/modules/front/ideas/submit.php(91): IPS\ideas\_Idea::formElements(NULL, Object(IPS\ideas\Category))
#4 /home/talenta/talentaaurea.org/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(107): IPS\ideas\modules\front\ideas\_submit->submit()
#5 /home/talenta/talentaaurea.org/applications/ideas/modules/front/ideas/submit.php(26): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
#6 /home/talenta/talentaaurea.org/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\ideas\modules\front\ideas\_submit->execute()
#7 /home/talenta/talentaaurea.org/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
#8 {main}

If I use normal text fields, there is no error, it only happens with 'Text Editor' fields.

Can you help me?

Thank you very much again and best regards.

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Hello again.

Thank you very much for your interest and forgive me if I have not been able to answer you before, but it was not possible.

I have downloaded the update, but now, if I try to create a new idea, in a category with a custom field, editor type, a blank page appears, with all this code on the screen:

IPS\Helpers\Form\Editor Object
    [_name:protected] => ideas_field_11
    [label] => 
    [description] => 
    [defaultValue] => 
    [value] => 
    [unformatted] => 
    [required] => 1
    [appearRequired] => 1
    [rowClasses] => Array

    [options] => Array
            [app] => ideas
            [key] => Ideas
            [autoSaveKey] => f2077c4129b7a7e4084519c9ef382098
            [attachIds] => 
            [attachIdsLang] => 
            [minimize] => 
            [minimizeIcon] => fa fa-comment-o
            [minimizeAfterReset] => 
            [allButtons] => 
            [tags] => Array

            [autoGrow] => 1
            [controller] => app=core&module=system&controller=editor
            [defaultIfNoAutoSave] => 
            [minimizeWithContent] => 
            [maxLength] => 16777216
            [editorId] => 
            [allowAttachments] => 1
            [ipsPlugins] => ipsautolink,ipsautosave,ipsctrlenter,ipscode,ipscontextmenu,ipsemoticon,ipsimage,ipslink,ipsmentions,ipspage,ipspaste,ipsquote,ipsspoiler,ipsautogrow,ipssource,removeformat,ipsgiphy,ipspreview,ipsstockreplies
            [profanityBlock] => 1
            [contentClass] => 
            [contentId] => 

    [defaultOptions:protected] => Array
            [app] => 
            [key] => 
            [autoSaveKey] => 
            [attachIds] => 
            [attachIdsLang] => 
            [minimize] => 
            [minimizeIcon] => fa fa-comment-o
            [minimizeAfterReset] => 
            [allButtons] => 
            [tags] => Array

            [autoGrow] => 1
            [controller] => app=core&module=system&controller=editor
            [defaultIfNoAutoSave] => 
            [minimizeWithContent] => 
            [maxLength] => 16777215
            [editorId] => 
            [allowAttachments] => 1
            [ipsPlugins] => ipsautolink,ipsautosave,ipsctrlenter,ipscode,ipscontextmenu,ipsemoticon,ipsimage,ipslink,ipsmentions,ipspage,ipspaste,ipsquote,ipsspoiler,ipsautogrow,ipssource,removeformat,ipsgiphy,ipspreview,ipsstockreplies
            [profanityBlock] => 1
            [contentClass] => 
            [contentId] => 

    [customValidationCode:protected] => 
    [prefix] => 
    [suffix] => 
    [htmlId] => ideas_field_11_editor
    [error] => 
    [reloadForm] => 
    [warningBox] => 
    [valueSet] => 
    [extension:protected] => IPS\ideas\extensions\core\EditorLocations\Ideas Object
            [_lazyLoadStatus:protected] => 

    [uploader:protected] => IPS\Helpers\Form\Upload Object
            [_name:protected] => ideas_field_11_upload
            [label] => 
            [description] => 
            [defaultValue] => Array

            [value] => Array

            [unformatted] => 
            [required] => 
            [appearRequired] => 
            [rowClasses] => Array

            [options] => Array
                    [multiple] => 1
                    [image] => Array
                            [maxWidth] => 1200
                            [maxHeight] => 1200
                            [optional] => 1

                    [checkImage] => 1
                    [allowedFileTypes] => 
                    [maxFileSize] => 
                    [totalMaxSize] => 
                    [maxFiles] => 
                    [postKey] => dbe68303c9b8e0770371813306db7142
                    [storageExtension] => core_Attachment
                    [storageContainer] => 
                    [temporary] => 
                    [callback] => Closure Object
                            [static] => Array
                                    [postKey] => dbe68303c9b8e0770371813306db7142

                            [this] => IPS\Helpers\Form\Editor Object
                            [parameter] => Array
                                    [$file] => 


                    [minimize] => 1
                    [retainDeleted] => 1
                    [template] => core.attachments.fileItem
                    [default] => 
                    [obscure] => 1
                    [supportsDelete] => 1
                    [allowStockPhotos] => 1
                    [canBeModerated] => 

            [defaultOptions:protected] => Array
                    [multiple] => 
                    [image] => 
                    [checkImage] => 1
                    [allowedFileTypes] => 
                    [maxFileSize] => 
                    [totalMaxSize] => 
                    [maxFiles] => 
                    [postKey] => 
                    [storageExtension] => 
                    [storageContainer] => 
                    [temporary] => 
                    [callback] => 
                    [minimize] => 1
                    [retainDeleted] => 
                    [template] => core.attachments.fileItem
                    [default] => 
                    [obscure] => 1
                    [supportsDelete] => 1
                    [allowStockPhotos] => 
                    [canBeModerated] => 

            [customValidationCode:protected] => 
            [prefix] => 
            [suffix] => 
            [htmlId] => 
            [error] => 
            [reloadForm] => 
            [warningBox] => 
            [valueSet] => 
            [maxChunkSize:protected] => 39
            [template] => Array
                    [0] => IPS\Theme\SandboxedTemplate Object
                            [template] => IPS\Theme\hook1719 Object
                                    [app] => core
                                    [templateLocation] => global
                                    [templateName] => forms
                                    [cache_key] => aa2910f168739d3e7c24fa06eab2244a


                    [1] => editorAttachments

            [builtHtml:protected] => 

    [postKey:protected] => dbe68303c9b8e0770371813306db7142
    [_altLabelWord:protected] => 
    [noUploaderError:protected] => 
    [attachments:protected] => IPS\Db\Select Object
            [query] => SELECT * FROM `core_attachments` WHERE attach_post_key=?
            [binds] => Array
                    [0] => dbe68303c9b8e0770371813306db7142

            [joinBinds:protected] => Array

            [db:protected] => IPS\Db Object
                    [affected_rows] => -1
                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 8.1.27
                    [client_version] => 80127
                    [connect_errno] => 0
                    [connect_error] => 
                    [errno] => 0
                    [error] => 
                    [error_list] => Array

                    [field_count] => 20
                    [host_info] => Localhost via UNIX socket
                    [info] => 
                    [insert_id] => 0
                    [server_info] => 10.4.33-MariaDB
                    [server_version] => 100433
                    [sqlstate] => 00000
                    [protocol_version] => 10
                    [thread_id] => 46817
                    [warning_count] => 0

            [stmt:protected] => mysqli_stmt Object

            [multiDimensional:protected] => 0
            [useWriteServer:protected] => 0
            [isUnion] => 
            [columns:protected] => Array
                    [0] => attach_id
                    [1] => attach_ext
                    [2] => attach_file
                    [3] => attach_location
                    [4] => attach_thumb_location
                    [5] => attach_thumb_width
                    [6] => attach_thumb_height
                    [7] => attach_is_image
                    [8] => attach_hits
                    [9] => attach_date
                    [10] => attach_post_key
                    [11] => attach_member_id
                    [12] => attach_filesize
                    [13] => attach_img_width
                    [14] => attach_img_height
                    [15] => attach_is_archived
                    [16] => attach_moderation_status
                    [17] => attach_security_key
                    [18] => attach_labels
                    [19] => attach_img_rotate

            [keyField:protected] => 
            [keyTable:protected] => 
            [valueField:protected] => 
            [valueTable:protected] => 
            [row:protected] => 
            [key:protected] => 0
            [count:protected] => 0



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16 hours ago, Hispano said:

I have downloaded the update, but now, if I try to create a new idea, in a category with a custom field, editor type, a blank page appears, with all this code on the screen:

Sorry, you can redownload file and update again.

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