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Post Donations

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Post Donations

The application will allow your users to donate for posts indicating an arbitrary amount and reason for donating.

  • You can select groups whose users will be able to donate or accept donations.
  • Specify the donor list limit when viewing a topic.
  • Each donation post displays the total amount of donations by currency.
  • Make the reason field required.
  • You can display the balance in posts and/or in the userBar.
  • Users can control the display of the balance themselves in the settings of their account.
  • The author of the post will receive a notification about the new donation.

Commerce integration

You can specify the amount of the commission that will be charged. You can donate in any currency and any payment gateways that exist and are configured in the Commerce application.


Currently, you can place two widgets on your pages:

Top donors. The widget will show users who donated the most for posts for a certain period of time (week, month, year, or all time).

Latest donations. The widget will show the donor, the author of the post, the date and amount of the donation.

For the application to work, you must have a Commerce installed application.


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First of all, I want to thank you for sharing your work. The concept of this application is great.

But I have a problem, because it seems that the app is not working properly, and I would like to know if you can help me. After making the donation, the donated amount is not added to the account credit of the user receiving the donation.

I have the account credit activated, and I have made a donation to another user, using my own account credit, but the application only deducts the amount of the donation, from my account credit, and does not add that amount to the account credit of the user receiving the donation.

Can you help me?
Thanks again and best regards

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I wanted to apologize for a misunderstanding, and clarify that the application IS working.

It was not working for me because I had not configured correctly which groups can receive commissions in the store.

It is necessary that the group of users that can receive commissions, also be configured in the store, to have credit and to receive commissions, otherwise, the donations are not added to the credit of your account.

What I don't see is the menu to configure donations in the account settings.


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Hi there! Right after  installing the app on IPS 4.7.15 I get error:

[[Template core/front/global/userBar is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date.
Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

I use the default theme.

Edited by Safety1st
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SELECT *, core_members.member_id AS _member_id FROM `core_members` 
LEFT JOIN `nexus_customers` ON nexus_customers.member_id=core_members.member_id WHERE core_members.member_id=2
Table 'finaware_ru.nexus_customers' doesn't exist

I didn't ever installed Commerce app BTW.

Edited by Safety1st
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